Must-Have Tools for Birdwatching

Elder Care in Centreville VA

Birdwatching is a fun hobby for people of all ages, but has been especially popular among seniors. It requires the birdwatchers to hike to various locations to observe these beautiful creatures, Elder-Care-in-Centreville-VAgiving them both a physical and mental workout. An experienced birdwatcher also looks at the bird’s wing cuts, body shape, beak, migration patterns, and other important details to determine the species of bird they have found. This is a relaxing activity that can be done alone or shared with a family member or professional elder care provider. However, it does require some tools in order to help your loved one’s birdwatching trip worthwhile.


Quality binoculars are a must in order to discover all of the meticulous details of each bird.  Binoculars will allow seniors to appreciate their beauty without straining their eyes. Most birdwatchers prefer a focus option of 10 feet or less. Digital cameras and telescopes may also come in handy as a way to capture their sightings.


When elders spend a long period of time outside, it is important that they have all of the necessary gear with them. This includes a wide brimmed hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, eco-friendly bug spray, and light, layered clothing that will keep their legs and arms covered. Seniors also get dehydrated much quicker than children or younger adults, so bring plenty of water. Even if your loved one does not think she is thirsty, encourage her to drink water throughout the day. If they will require medication, make sure it is packed and ready to go when needed. For those who are walking a long distance, having a cell phone is important in case of emergency.


Bird Book
A bird book will give you state- or region-wide guides that will list in detail the different types of birds you will find. Bird books that contain maps will also help you easily find these various breeds.


Journal or Notebook
Not only could these bird sightings be an adventure for both you and your aging loved one, but jotting down what you find on your expedition will allow you to remember those sightings for years to come. Take pictures and attach to the notebook with a description of what you saw and other bits of information you or your loved one may want to remember.

Older adults who receive senior care may enjoy this activity because it allows them to get out and appreciate all of the beauty nature has left for them to see. Consider hiring a guide or going on a tour with a professional birdwatcher as a way to find out more about each bird you spot. This person will also be able to give you tips and tricks to successfully birdwatch. If birdwatching is right up your loved one’s alley, make sure they have these tools in order to make the most of this newfound hobby.


If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Centreville, VA, call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. 703-273-8818

Williams, Laura, M.S.Ed. “Birdwatching.”

Michelle DeFilippis