Ways to Ease Arthritis Symptoms in the Elderly

Arthritis most commonly affects people over the age of 65, making people in elder care a group that may be more likely to experience symptoms related to the disease, which causes an inflammation of one or more joints.


Caregiver in Reston VA: Ease Arthritis Symptoms

Caregiver in Reston VA: Ease Arthritis Symptoms


If your senior is diagnosed with one of the more than 100 types of arthritis, the main goal of treatment is usually to find ways to reduce the pain they are experiencing, while preventing further damage to other joints in the body.

There are ways that your senior receiving elder care at home can help to ease some of the daily symptoms of arthritis, which can develop slowly over time or appear suddenly, and are sometimes reported to be worse in the mornings.


Keep weight under control

People that are overweight have a higher risk of increased complications of arthritis, so if your senior has an issue with their weight, diet can play an important role in managing the pain of the joints caused by arthritis.

Following a diet low in saturated fat and higher in fish, nuts, veggies, fruits, and beans, is great for the body and studies have confirmed that this particular diet can lower blood pressure, help arthritis by curbing inflammation, and benefit both the joints and the heart.


Get physical

Staying active is also important, so have your senior’s doctor guide you to helping them find the right kind of exercise, those that help to build muscle around the joints but won’t damage them. Gentle stretches that are done daily may help to keep the joints moving through their full range of motion. Low impact activities such as walking, cycling, and water aerobics may both improve the mood of your senior as well as help to control their weight.

Posture is important too, and a doctor or physical therapist can show your senior ways that can help them to sit and stand properly which can improve their posture.

Make sure that your loved one understands their physical limits and finds a good balance between activity and periods of rest.



A practice called mindfulness-based stress reduction, a particular form of meditation is believed to help people with arthritis to help with pain control and may also alleviate symptoms of depression. Studies have shown us that meditation can be beneficial for people suffering from chronic pain and can also improve their quality of life. Another great thing about meditation is that it’s something that can easily be incorporated into your senior’s elder care routine at home and can be done in the comfort of their own bed, chair, or wherever they are most comfortable.


Are you or a loved-one considering hiring a Caregiver in Reston, VA? Please call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. Contact: 703-273-8818







Michelle DeFilippis