May is National Meditation Month

Caregiver in Centreville VA

One of the biggest challenges that the caregivers of today face is stress.  Often, caregiving is a balancing act where the caregiver is forced to juggle the responsibilities of caregiving, working, and Caregiver-in-Centreville-VAraising a family all at once.  With hectic schedules and many people relying on you and your time, it is very easy to get stressed out and to even begin to feel the negative effects of that stress.  Chronic stress can often lead to lower immunity, sleepless nights, poor diet choices, and even caregiver burnout.  For these reasons and more, it is essential for caregivers to find ways to beat that stress.  Every individual has their own stress-relieving techniques that work for them.  For some it is exercise, for others it is listening to music, and for others it is getting lost in a book.  The trick to successful stress management is to find what works for you and to practice it consistently.  One popular stress-relieving technique that is practiced by many people around the world is meditation.  Meditation can help lower your stress and increase your positive emotions, even if you commit only a small amount of time each day to it.  If you are looking for a new way to help you beat stress, May is the perfect month to try meditation as it is National Meditation Month.  If you’ve never practiced meditation before, here are a few tips to help get you started:


Read a Book

One way to learn how to meditate is by using a book as your guide.  Visit your local library and do your research on meditation.  What you will find is that there are many different ways to meditate and there might be a method that is perfect for you and your lifestyle.


Try a Yoga Class

Yoga is a meditative form of exercise.  If you are new to meditation, it may be helpful for you to begin in a group setting where you can be guided by an experienced instructor.  In addition, yoga has the benefits of meditation and the benefits of physical exercise.


Get an App

You may be surprised at how many smartphone apps are available that can guide you through meditation.  Many are designed specifically for beginners and can walk you though learning how to meditate.  One benefit of meditation smartphone apps is that they will send you a reminder each day to keep practicing!


If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Centreville, VA, call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. 703-273-8818


Michelle DeFilippis