What Are You Doing to Take Care of Yourself?

One of the challenges of caregiving is also taking care of yourself and your other responsibilities. Caregiving can teach you quite a lot about self-care if you let it do so.


Home Care Services in Herndon VA: Taking Care of Yourself

Home Care Services in Herndon VA: Taking Care of Yourself


Adding Balance to Your Day

Everything in life is about balance. If you’re eating too much junk food, you’re not giving your body the nutrients it needs. Your body and your brain need other types of balance, too. When you’re giving yourself what you need and what you want, in moderation, you’re going to feel that even balance.


Resting When You Can

Plenty of caregivers run themselves into the ground trying to do everything all the time. But that might mean that you’re not getting the rest that you need in order to keep going. Check your sleep habits and adjust what you can so that you’re getting enough quality sleep to recharge you.


Processing Your Feelings

Caregiving brings up a lot of different emotions and if you’re ignoring them or trying to shove them to the side, you might be surprised at what happens. You have to deal with your feelings in order to manage them. When you’re not processing them, they’re going to show up more forcefully in inappropriate ways.


Disengaging from What Causes You Stress

Life is full of the stress of all sorts, so you’re not going to be able to completely rid your life of all stress. What you can do, though, is to remove the sources of excessive stress from your life. As you remove aspects of your life that give you stress you don’t need, you can focus on managing those parts of your life that truly require your attention.


Appreciating What You Do

There’s an awful lot that you do as a caregiver, even if you don’t fully see what that means to the people in your life. Odds are very good that you’re being too tough on yourself and expecting more than you would of anyone else. Taking some time away with the help of elder care providers allows you to regain the perspective you need to appreciate all that you do.

If you’re not doing at least some of these things regularly, you might want to look at how to add a few of them to your self-care plan. Taking care of yourself allows you to take better care of those you love and those who need you the most.

Are you or a loved-one considering Home Care Services in Herndon, VA?  Please call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. Contact: 703-273-8818

Michelle DeFilippis