Can Positive Thinking Really Make You a Better Caregiver?

The power of positive thinking can make you a better caregiver.

It’s proven that by eliminating negative thoughts and attitudes, you can be healthier both mentally and physically. Your positive outlook will also affect your parents. Here are some of the ways positivity can help you when you’re the family member providing elder care to an aging parent.


Senior Care in Falls Church VA: Caregiver Positive Thinking

Senior Care in Falls Church VA: Caregiver Positive Thinking


Positivity Lowers Stress

Lowering stress is one of the benefits of positive thinking. A John Hopkins doctor led a study that found positivity reduced the risk of heart attack and other heart issues by 13 percent. The reduction of stress plays a part in that.

When you think positively, your stress levels lower. The simple act of smiling can reduce your pulse and blood pressure. Anxiety decreases, energy increases, and people generally feel better about themselves. It’s believed that all of this works together to help the body protect itself against inflammation, which can impact cardiovascular health.

With lowered stress and improved health, you’ll be a better caregiver. You’re not worried about yourself. You can focus on providing the best care to your parents. Plus, your positive attitude may spread to them, which can help them in the same ways.


Positivity Improves Focus

When you’re filled with self-doubt and negativity, you’ll find it’s harder to stay focused. You’ll become easily distracted and struggle to finish one task before starting another.

With positivity, you have better odds of staying on task. You’ll be able to focus, think through the solutions to an issue, and get things done to the best of your ability. This can help you with the elder care you provide.

As one example, your mom takes forever in the bathroom. She’s just gotten in the shower, and you need to leave in five minutes. You’re frustrated and not thinking clearly. If you approach this situation with a positive frame of mind, you’re focused. You might realize telling her you must leave an hour before you actually do is an easy solution.


Positivity Boosts Immunities

A positive frame of mind has been found to help boost the immune system. You still may get a cold, but your body will battle the germs effectively. It may save you from some of the more severe symptoms and shorten the duration.

Even the most positive person can have a bad day. Don’t let it get to you. It could be a sign that it’s time for a break. An elder care agency offers a range of services, and respite care is one you must look into. For an hour or two, a caregiver comes to your parents home and takes over. You’re free to take a nap, go for a walk, run errands, or go out with friends or family members. Call now to learn more.

Are you or a loved-one considering Senior Care in Falls Church, VA?  Please call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. Contact: 703-273-8818


Michelle DeFilippis