Benefits of Vacations for Family Caregivers

Homecare in Arlington VA: Caregiver Vacation

Homecare in Arlington VA: Caregiver Vacation

Everyone needs to take a break from their job once in a while, but when you are a family caregiver, it can be really difficult to find time for a real vacation.  Elderly loved ones that need a family caregiver are often in a position where they cannot get through their daily activities on their own and they need the support and care of another person.  The duties can be difficult and the full-time nature of their care can quickly make even the most enthusiastic person burn out in no time.  That’s why it is important for family caregivers to take some time for themselves and take a vacation.

So why don’t more family caregivers take the time to get away for a little rest and relaxation? 

It’s usually a combination of feeling guilty for leaving their elderly loved one and the difficulty or expense of arranging for senior care in their absence.  Caregivers frequently worry that by putting their own needs first, they are being selfish.  Adult children that are acting as family caregivers may feel extra guilt about leaving their parent in the hands of other caregivers, even for a short time.

Taking time from work is very important to physical and mental health.

Studies show that people who take regular vacations are healthier overall and may actually live longer.  Family caregiving, although it is not a paid position, is still a lot of hard work, and the same benefits are earned when hard working family members get to take a break.  If you are struggling to justify taking a vacation from your caregiving duties, remember that it is actually good for your physical and mental health.

What can you do?

After working through the emotions surrounding the need for a vacation, many family caregivers are daunted by the challenge of finding substitute care.  The first place to look is with other family members, both near and far.  If you are acting as the primary caregiver to your elderly loved one, you need to encourage others to take their turns as well.  It’s perfectly reasonable for several family members to take shifts in caring for their relative while you take some time for yourself.  Don’t be afraid to ask, and even insist, when others need to step in and help out.

If family members don’t work out, you can look into senior care agencies for coverage while you are on vacation.  Agencies can arrange for trained professionals to come in and help your elderly loved-one with whatever tasks you normally do such as grooming, bathing, meals, transportation and more.  Senior care assistants can help your aging loved one at their home, just as you would. This makes it easy for elderly people to stick to their routine with minimal disruption.

You simply can’t overestimate how much physical and mental stress family caregivers handle every day.  Of course, you are happy to provide this care for your loved one, but it is very easy to fall into the trap of putting your own wants and needs far behind everyone else.  Taking a well-deserved vacation is the best way to take care of yourself so that you can do a wonderful job taking care of someone else.


Are you or a loved-one considering homecare in Arlington, VA?  Please call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today.
Contact: 703-273-8818



Michelle DeFilippis