How to Help Visitors Feel More Comfortable with Your Elderly Loved One

Caregiver in McLean VA

Often people may not visit your elderly loved one because of their own nervousness, not because of anything that has to do with your loved one herself. In those cases, you might need to help makeCaregiver-in-McLean-VA visitors feel more comfortable and secure about the visit.

Let Them Know What to Expect

Often visitors are uncomfortable or nervous because they really don’t know what to expect when visiting your elderly loved one. If she has hearing problems or other issues, it’s a good idea to let your loved one’s visitors know what they can likely expect during a visit. That way they’re not thrown by having to speak a little more clearly, for example.

Suggest Some Topic or Activity Ideas

For the first few visits, you might want to suggest topics or activities that your loved one and her visitor can enjoy together. Some elderly loved ones might not have the same verbal and conversational abilities that they once had and that can be jarring for visitors. Having a stockpile of topics or activities to try that your loved one definitely enjoys and can participate in can help to ease any awkwardness.

Help out with Conversation, But Not Too Much

It’s natural to want to help ease the connection between your loved one and her visitor, especially if the visitor isn’t accustomed to seeing your elderly loved one frequently. If you’re interjecting too much, though, the visitor isn’t really spending time with your loved one. Let them find their way during the visit if they can and help out when it makes sense to do so.

Recognize When Your Loved One Has Had Enough

Some elderly loved ones really can’t handle long visits. If that’s the case for your loved one, it’s a good idea to become familiar with her cues that she’s started to have enough. You don’t want the situation to become strained or for anyone to wind up with hurt feelings. Staying attuned to your loved one’s cues allows you to step in and end the visit in a kind way that encourages future visits.

If your loved one’s visitor will be there at a time when you won’t be, make sure you let your loved one’s elder care providers and her visitor know in advance so they’re not surprised.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in McLean, VA, call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. 703-273-8818

Michelle DeFilippis