Is Getting Cancer Screenings Important to Your Senior?

When it comes to health, being proactive is important.

Taking these steps enables you to be as informed as possible so you can make the decisions that are right for any situation. For many people, one of the central elements of being proactive about health is cancer screenings. Getting screened for cancer can allow for early detection of the disease, which provides the most opportunity for intervention.


Caregiver in Herndon VA: Senior Cancer Screenings

Caregiver in Herndon VA: Senior Cancer Screenings


The recommendations for when and how frequently to undergo cancer screenings varies depending on the type of cancer, as well as the person being screened.

Age, current health issues, perspective life expectancy, and other issues can all contribute to whether a doctor will recommend your senior undergo cancer screenings. Regardless of whether the doctor recommends or not, it is important to remember that whether or not to be screened is a highly personal decision. While you might immediately know you would undergo such screening if recommended by your doctor, the decision may not be so simple for your parent.

  • Many elderly adults choose not to undergo cancer screenings later in their life. There are many reasons why they make this decision, including:
  • Life expectancy that is shorter than 10 years
  • Health that is already compromised by other illnesses and conditions
  • Limited treatment or management options due to health issues or other challenges
  • Already knowing they would choose not to undergo any form of treatment should they get a cancer diagnosis


Talking to your senior about being proactive in their health is an important part of being a family caregiver.

This empowers them to make the decisions that are right for them and encourages them to continue caring for their health throughout their later years. It is important to remember that this is their decision, and even if you do not agree with what they choose, it is up to you to be supportive and help them to manage all health concerns in the best ways possible.

Supporting independence and autonomy is one of the most meaningful things you can do for your aging parent as their family caregiver. Encouraging your senior to continue to maintain the lifestyle they desire can be challenging, but introducing elder care into your approach can be a valuable way to pursue this goal. An elderly home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a fully customized schedule to help them fulfill their personal care needs, complete activities of daily living, be both proactive and responsible about their health, and maintain more activity throughout their later years.


Are you or a loved-one considering a Caregiver in Herndon, VA?  Please call the caring staff at Medical Professionals On Call today. Contact: 703-273-8818

Michelle DeFilippis